2,328 research outputs found

    Análisis espacial de sitios potenciales para el establecimiento de Jatropha curcas L. como productor de Biodiesel en el Estado de México

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    La localización de sitios óptimos para cultivos es una de las temáticas de aplicación del análisis espacial. Esta investigación aplica una serie de herramientas orientadas a la identificación de sitios óptimos para el cultivo de esta oleaginosa con alto potencial para la producción de Biodiesel.CONACYT/SENE


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    In recent years, water utilities have placed a greater emphasis on the reliability and resilience of their water distribution networks. This focus has increased due to the continuing aging of such infrastructure and the potential threat of natural or man-made disruptions. As a result, water utilities continue to look for ways to evaluate the resiliency of their systems with a goal of identifying critical elements that need to be reinforced or replaced. The simulation of pipe breaks in water reliability studies is traditionally modeled as the loss of a single pipe element. This assumes that each pipe has an isolation valve on both ends of the pipe that can be readily located and operated under emergency conditions. This is seldom the case. The proposed methodology takes into account that multiple pipes may be impacted during a single failure as a result of the necessity to close multiple isolation valves in order to isolate the “segment” of pipes necessary to contain the leak. This document presents a simple graphical metric for use in evaluating the performance of a system in response to a pipe failure. The metrics are applied to three different water distribution systems in an attempt to illustrate the fact that different pipe segments may impact system performance in different ways. This information is critical for use by system managers in deciding which segments to prioritize for upgrades or replacement

    Reliability Assessment and Optimization of Water Distribution Systems Explicitly Considering Isolation Valve Locations

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    Water distribution systems have changed the landscape of communities through two services: 1) providing water supply for domestic and industrial use, and 2) providing water required to fight fires. However, a substantial portion of the water infrastructure in the country, as many of other public assets built over 50 years ago, are now reaching the end of their useful life; which combined with rapid growth and changes in demographics have placed water distribution pipe networks at a state that requires revitalization. The aging infrastructure along with the growing threat of natural and man-made disruptions have led water utilities to place a greater emphasis on developing better strategies to minimize the impact on the system users when a failure event occurs (i.e., improve the reliability of the system). The proposed segment-based analysis considers valve location to estimate the number of pipes taken out of service to seclude the initial pipe break or element failure. The objective of the assessment is to identify critical segments (i.e., smallest set of pipes that can be secluded using the closest isolation valves) and critical valves in a set of real water distribution networks. The critical elements, the segments or valves that when taken out of service cause the greatest reduction in the supply delivered and the level of service provided, are identified using the performance metrics based on: loss of connectivity, and the failure to meet hydraulic and fire protection requirements. This type of assessment seeks to be a simple method to provide information on critical elements that considers the role of isolation valves, thus offering a more realistic view of the effects of a breakdown. This framework is then used to define valve locations that could offer the improvement in reliability for a given capital investment

    Preventing Germs Spreading in Preschool Children

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    Young children in childcare centers are exposed to germs everyday and are more vulnerable to diseases being in a group care setting. Children from migrant families with little formal education might be more vulnerable because parents may have little knowledge about the importance of hygiene for their children, or they may not have time to reinforce healthy habits due to long working hours. To help address the lack of healthy habits among preschool children aged 3 to 5 years, I am providing a three-day lesson about how germs are spread and the importance of washing hands to prevent diseases at the Little Angel’s Migrant Head start in King City, California

    New Beginnings: Educational Workshop

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    The New Beginning Educational Workshop Capstone Project Curriculum Review focuses on empowering Massachusetts tenants who have been harmed by their public eviction record. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of education in empowering tenants to recognize the negative impact of eviction records on their housing and financial stability. By utilizing evidence-based and evidence-informed strategies, the workshop aims to help tenants navigate social safety net programs, increase their financial well-being, and promote their overall wellness. The workshop is aligned with the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) framework, which recognizes housing security as a key driver of health. One of the key goals of the workshop is to help tenants expunge their eviction records, which can be a significant barrier to accessing safe and stable housing. The curriculum also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the systemic and societal factors that contribute to poor health outcomes and aims to address these underlying causes to create a more just and equitable society. Through empowerment and education, the New Beginning Educational Workshop aims to help tenants achieve greater stability and well-being

    Capacidad de la pequeña empresa Agua Ultra Purificada del Norte de la ciudad de Matagalpa, para adoptar las NIIF para PYMES en el I semestre del año 2012

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló en la pequeña empresa Agua Ultra Purificada del Norte de Matagalpa, cuyo tema está centrado en la adopción de las normas internacionales de información financiera para las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), en el departamento de Matagalpa en el I semestre del 2012. El propósito fue evaluar la capacidad de la pequeña empresa Agua Ultra Purificada del Norte para adoptar las NIIF para PYMES en el I semestre del 2012, siendo éstas una de las formas o herramientas de actualización para participar en un comercio globalizado. La adopción de estas normas permite a las entidades la presentación de estados financieros con información amplia, sólida y confiable para todos los usuarios tanto internos como externos. Así mismo el conocimiento a fondo de las diferentes secciones contenidas en ella, proporcionan una guía para la orientación y agilidad de las operaciones realizadas en la entidad. Al evaluar la estructura de la pequeña empresa, se encontróque requiere una implementación adecuada de un sistema contable, sistema de control interno, manual de funciones, actualizaciones a través de capacitaciones sobre temas de importancia para las PYMES que le permitan el buen funcionamiento de sus estructuras y operaciones; siendo todas estas limitantes que no le permiten a la empresa en estudio adoptar las NIIF para PYME